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Around The Worl İn Eighty Days

1001 Çiçek Kitaplar Barkod : 9786053418030
Stokta Miktarı 1
75,00 TL
57,00 TL
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Around the VVorld in Eighty Days occupies a very important position in Jules Verne series of EXTRAORDINARY VOYAGES. It has been very popular in the English-speaking vvorld because of the nationality of the central figüre.His Journey to the Centre of the Earth, Tvventy Thousand Leagues under the Sea, and From the Earth to the Moon are science fictions. But Around the VVorld in Eighty Days is not a science fiction. It is the only novel to depend on the theme of space and time.The route of Foggs journey is the quickest and goes through the most places occupied by the British. The trip is stripped to bare essentials. Everything else is cut out. Fix, Fogg and Passepartout can never be really lost. They keep bumping into one another. Humour is also an integral part of the story, making it thoroughly enjoyable.
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